- Jun 01 Mon 2015 23:22
- May 31 Sun 2015 21:43
【香港】台灣餐廳終於不俗了: Taipei Check in
- May 05 Tue 2015 22:23
好就沒有update倫敦活動了。從今年二月開始,我的生活整個轉了180度彎。因為公公得了急性淋巴癌的關係,我從二月開始就搬到了香港住,開始和婆婆兩人一起照顧公公,而情緒上也時常像座雲些飛車般隨這公公的時好時壞的病情起伏震盪。真的領悟到人生真的一切都是暫時的,痛苦的、幸福的、辛苦的、開心的,一切都是暫時的。真的要在有限的人生中好好努力,其他一切都只能交給上帝了 :)
- Apr 30 Thu 2015 12:41
- Apr 21 Tue 2015 22:43
【香港】CP值超高,我在香港已經吃過7次的 - 海港酒樓
- Mar 30 Mon 2015 14:28
【好書推薦】如果我在高中時就讀到的書,我的人生一定會不一樣吧。給所有曾因為數學受傷的文科生。「喚醒你與生俱來的數學力」by 永野裕之
- Mar 22 Sun 2015 00:31
【香港】在香港也吃得到出色的德國菜 Berliner!還有對港式料理的小抱怨(驚@@)
耶!現在人在香港喔!(揮手)然後有點怪異的是我這一趟香港行的第一篇美食文居然是以一間德國餐廳登場。唉~沒辦法,因為我這趟回來實在是被餵食太多香港美食了,吃的我有點累了(攤手)(<-- 跩屁),甚麼翠華、海港酒家、添好運、稻香、羅富記粥麵等等都吃夠了,於是當我有機會能選擇吃甚麼食物的時候,我馬上就說出「港式料理之外,一切都好。」
這間餐廳並不難找,就在Hennessy道上的W Square裡面。而且我真的很鄉巴佬,當電梯一打開即是餐廳的時候我還整個被嚇到,是太習慣門一打開看到的是走廊還是怎樣。
- Mar 13 Fri 2015 01:41
【阿布達比、杜拜美食】伊拉克每10年就一次戰爭,我們都習慣了....在台灣絕對體會不到的伊拉克,除了戰爭,還有的美食文化 Al Maskoof Al Iraqi Restaurant
最近的中東,天天都佔據BBC國際新聞的版面,從綁架學生的Boko Haram,到前陣子在哥本哈根射殺猶太人的巴勒斯坦移民,天天都是中東相關的消息,天天都跟中東極端教義下的穆斯林有關。其中又以佔據敘利亞和伊拉克的ISIS最令人心煩,一下斬首了被綁架的日本人,一下又屠殺了幾百位的埃及基督徒,不然就是發布焚燒約旦戰鬥機駕駛員的影片,感覺就是要把整個世界搞得人仰馬翻才甘心。(我真的是很氣這些恐怖份子,氣到我會自言自語罵髒話!!!)
- Jan 07 Wed 2015 01:44
2015倫敦1月活動 為了贖罪,今年新加了好多活動
- Dec 31 Wed 2014 16:08
【阿布達比好吃】觀光客一定會被我帶去吃的摩洛哥餐廳 Almaz by Momo(另稱:中東料理概要文XD)
- Dec 28 Sun 2014 21:25
【阿布達比好吃】抖S的廚師,終於找到我愛的私房餐廳 Market
- Dec 09 Tue 2014 12:03
【阿布達比好吃】令人魂牽夢縈的麵包香:Porto Bello義大利餐廳
- Dec 06 Sat 2014 14:05
12月了、12月了(飛踢,搞甚麼鬼,都已經6號了!)想必倫敦的現在應該凍到不行吧,阿布達比也是變得號冷,大概25度左右吧(又要被踢了)XD。不過說實在的和倫敦到處張燈結綵的聖誕燈飾相比,阿布達比真是一點聖誕的氣氛都沒有,反倒是滿街的燈飾慶祝12/2號的國慶日,成為變相的「聖誕裝飾」。而且這邊的人真是超級愛國的,很多人還把車子塗上國旗的顏色,甚至是自己國家的leaders臉也印在超車上(可以想像把馬英九印上 車的樣子嗎? )、甚至投影到一整個建築物上,未免也太愛了吧。
好了!Enough Update from UAE,還是言歸正專說說倫敦這個月有甚麼值得期待的活動吧。
- Dec 04 Thu 2014 17:09
【嚇死你的阿布達比】沙漠中居然有豪華游泳池飯店!QASR AL SARAB
BBC在英國有一齣有名的真人實境秀,叫做「Don't Tell the Bride」,節目很簡單,就是要在新娘完全不能參與的情況下讓新郎和新郎的狐群狗黨伴郎籌辦一場會讓新娘感動的婚禮。但弔詭的是,無論新郎多麼有心、多麼認真、多麼會規畫,結果通通都事與願違:新娘往往尖叫的比笑的多、抓狂的比喜悅的多、不出所料的在三個時刻歷經情緒崩潰:1. 看到新郎幫她選的婚紗時;2. 看到新郎幫牠的伴娘選得婚紗;3. 看到實際的婚禮會場時。(“Oh my god, oh my god, he is going to ruin my wedding!”)。
- Oct 28 Tue 2014 18:31
- Oct 28 Tue 2014 18:11
- Oct 15 Wed 2014 00:02
Chloe默默倫敦觀察周記(week5) 科茲窩小旅行的終點站 Bibury
The Swan Hotel的外牆上有許多生長在牆上的植物,為這間歷史悠久的建築物帶來了許多生機,不只外觀美,在官網上看到的房間內部圖也美得讓我差點想灑大錢入住,但一晚要價129鎊起跳,我還是摸摸鼻子把網頁關掉吧,而飯店內的鱒魚料理評價也相當不錯,大家有機會來這不要錯過.
- Sep 27 Sat 2014 23:19
Hello~這個禮拜要先跟大家分享科茲窩的其中一個小鎮【Stow on the wold】
科茲窩小旅行的第一站, 就由Stow on the wold一間從1890年就開業的麵包店來揭開序幕吧!
在像似教堂但其實是圖書館旁的公車站下車後,就是一陣撲鼻誘人的麵包香氣『HUFFKINS』從外觀來看它有一個特別的地方,有發現到了嗎? 它長的…歪歪的,是不是很可愛呢?
『HUFFKINS』除了是間麵包店外,在隔壁也有一間提供下午茶跟飲品的TEA ROOMS,但當天去的時候店內滿滿的客人,加上我們也要趕行程,只好選擇外帶摟.
我買了肉桂捲,朋友挑了SCONE跟鹹派,要跟大家強力推薦它的鹹派, 雖然依舊是典型的英國食物“冷冰冰”的派,但內餡調味處理的嘟嘟好,不會過鹹,朋友也直說好像在吃豬肉餡餅唷,只不過是冷的~哈哈 另外SCONE也好好吃,不愧是曾經得過獎的,口感上比較紮實, 有著淡淡的奶油香味,如果在配上鮮奶油及果醬那就太完美摟!!! (在這裡要說聲搜哩,因為我們實在太餓,所以…就沒拍到食物照)
“Stow on the wold”
通常在倫敦的郵局,就是很簡單的寫著POST OFFICE,而且不起眼到常常讓我錯過它,但在這裡,掛上一個小招牌,畫上招牌的紅色郵筒,讓人想忽略也難阿…
- Sep 27 Sat 2014 22:38
【Nepal】B&B Cocina Mitho Chha: by staying here, we make a difference in many kids’ life (English version)
I found it very hard to put how I feel about Nepal into words. Since coming back from the country in the beginning of August, I don't know how many times have I rewritten my draft, but still couldn't manage to convey half of my feelings. How dusty and noisy Kathmandu was (no joke, it can drive every traveller mental in less than 10 minutes). How hard it was to find a restaurant that looked remotely safe from diarrhoea, and how annoying the power-cuts were that came everyday along with your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
"Nepalese beauties"
However, despite all these, I remembered one after another friendly faces greeting me with a shy "Namaste", how helpful they were to me when I fell off from a bike in the mountain of Pokhara, and how much fun we had with our driver when he found a waterfall on the way back, let alone of all the stunning landscape, mountains and lakes.
My heart came alive again during the 6 days in Nepal.
Living in a city like Abu Dhabi, where there is infinite wealth from oil revenue, the concept of poverty, or conservation does not exist. BMW is normal. Even Aston Martin isn't that scarce. In this city, you got endless supply of one shopping mall after another shopping mall; one high-rise after another high-rise. As long as you have the money, you can get whatever you want.
But why I feel so empty here.
How different is the place where I am living to any other places I have been in the world? We eat hamburgers, pasta and afternoon teas. We got oversupply of food, LV, GUCCI, or Channel (the poor's version would be H&M and Zara) . But what's the culture here? What's so unique about this place? Despite from having a comfortable life, what's left? Is it inevitable that wealth in a globalised world creates homogeneous culture? Or is it simply how human beings naturally would like to live? I can't even find the purpose for why we work, why we earn money.
But Nepal is different. Nepal is still poor, so there is no McDonald's, department stores. Many people still live in houses that seem going to fall apart soon, and they probably still eat the same curries which their grandparents have taught them to make. Men wear little hats and women get this red dot on their forehead. Majority of the people still farm on the same pieces of lands they inherit from their ancestors. Their living condition is poor, but it feels authentic.
Crazy Kathmandu. Small streets packed with traffic, noise, dust, horns.
The house is seriously falling apart....
Is it even safe to live in such a house?
But I know, the reason I can say I like Nepal's authenticity so easily is because - I don't live there. I can consume their "authentic" lifestyle preserved by poverty, but I can also quit poverty whenever I am tired and return to my forever 22°C apartment anywhere in the world whenever I want. I earn more in a month than a Nepalese in a year and I don't have to worry about being woken up by non-stop horning at 5am in the morning.
I don't know how I can call myself a non-selfish traveller?
Can I live a life as such?
The smiles on Nepalese's faces disguise the history that Nepal had a domestic war only 8 years ago followed by regime change. Their friendly attitudes also made travellers happily ignore the fact that this place also has high suicide rate, and the reason is, unsurprisingly, poverty. Many parents drink pesticide to kill themselves because they can't afford to pay back the debts, leaving their kids becoming orphans or street kids.
"Very few street kids in Nepal manage to survive more than 5 years", said by the director and founder of My Home Orphanage, Mr. Ramesh. "However, under current political regime, there is no welfare available to them but from private civil society."
I am still very grateful that I had a chance to see this side of Nepal, which is heart breaking and can be easily distracted by all the beautiful landscape and rich local culture. I know, if I didn't stay at B&B Cocina Mitho Chha, and listened to the owner, Mr. Debendra about his objective of establishing the B&B in aim to fund his cooking school teaching teenagers from disadvantaged family to learn the skill of cooking, and took me to visit the orphanage, My Home, I would have easily missed out this side of Nepal. Like an ordinary traveller, or tourist, shall I say, thinking how can this place entertain me, instead of how normal people here live their life.
As mentioned previously, Cocina Mitho Chaa isn't just a B&B; it is a social enterprise. Its objective is to provide funding to the cooking school helping teenagers from the orphanage or poor family to learn the skill of cooking at the age of 16 or 17.
Adorable kids at My Home Orphanage
Mr. Debendra (first left); Director and Founder of My Home, Mr. Ramesh (second to the left; a volunteer from Spain (third to the right)
Learning English and math. Mr. Ramesh wants to provide every kid the education that suites them the most.
Why did Mr. Ramesh start the orphanage?
To him, the answer was simple. Because if he didn't do it, those kids will die
When I asked Mr. Debendra why he started the cooking school?
Because if those kids leave the orphanage without any survival skill, they will never be able to leave poverty. Will never be self-sufficient.
The orphanage sustains their lives, but the cooking school provides them with a better future.
After all, everything is about surviving.
Seeing this side of Nepal broke my heart. However thanks to people like Mr. Ramesh and Mr. Debendra, I also saw the most beautiful side of Nepal.
In a shabby room,
listening to teacher explaining how to make every tourist's must try - Momo.
- Sep 14 Sun 2014 01:05
第二站來到號稱是英國的小威尼斯『Bourton on the water 』
滿 滿 滿到溢出來的觀光客,是我對這裡的第一個印象,連想要拍張沒有遊客入鏡的照片都無法阿…
Bourton on the water是個一眼望去,大概五秒鐘就能快速瀏覽完的小小村莊,中間的一條河流就是整個村莊的主軸,所有的吃喝玩樂都圍繞在這週邊,河岸旁有許多餐廳跟紀念品商店.